
The Politics of Medicine

Since 1976 I have been engaged and surrendered to the art and science of practicing medicine. My journey has taken me around the globe in an active roll serving an array of communities with my chosen profession, Medicine.

Research, Education and Clinical Service are the three main facets of my service. As the years pass and need to adapt to new discoveries , financial and reimbursement changes, or simple laws, we pivoted and evolved with the times.

Conspiracy theories have existed from time immemorial, and frankly they are boring and too subjective for my taste, even though at times Ive been well aware of practices dictated by government and politics. The first time we noticed the influence of politics on medicine was during the AIDS initial awareness. Without going into much details, treatment , diagnosis, social awareness predicated a harsh reality and obvious discrimination of effected individuals. If not for the persistence and benevolence of many donors we might have never found the adequate treatment and obliterated the ignorance surrounding Aids.

The latest wake up call was the recent pandermic. The mis information, dished out by scientists, politicians nearly destroyed the global economic and social structures.

The Pharmaceutical Companies provide billions of dollars and spread the wealth amongst a selected few. We all know that medications are legitimized and priced for maximum profit. Alternati9ve therapies are discarded and the FDA is the gatekeeper for authorizing the efficacy and distribution of drugs in the USA. Each major country has like minded institutions for example COFEPRIS in Mexico.

We as a physicians can not choose what medications, procedures,length of hospital stays. The insurance companies, pharmaceutical industry and the government choose and restrict our practice of medicine. There should be no doubrt that in the USA money talks and bullshit walks. 

Doctors are simply maid servants of the elite. They are thrown a bone and often just burn out on the reality that their initial dream of serving mankind is a pipe dream.

The art of medicine can only be saved by joining forces to provide alternative remedies to what the US Government dictated.

Physicians need to wake up and smell the sauce.

You don’t have to sit back and be a passive recipient of orders, you can be part of a new revolution fueled by consciousness, kindness and empathy for the ill


Hugo Romeu, MD


The world has changed drastically after Covid Pandemic.

Mistrust of the Pharmaceutical Industry, loss of confidence in Physicians and the medical Industry; but most of all a sketchy appearance of Government decision making.

Society , work ethic, general attitude towards public health has taken on a whole new identity.

For the most part it is a cumulative negative spin on daily existence.

The front line health care providers, social workers and government representatives need to earn back the trust that once existed.

Physicians must become fact based practioners. They must ignore all conspiracy theories, politically motivated stunts, and economically biased perspectives. There is evidence that the combination of holistic and natural remedies combined with traditional diagnostic and therapeutic regimens is the way of the present and future. Front line providers must give people a choice, and not try to influence whether one gets a vaccine or not, or what is the best medicine for each individual . Medicine should not be one way for every patient. The people need to be objectively educated about fact based observations. Statements like “ Big Pharm Conspiracy” or imposition of health mandates must be avoided at all cost.

The press today is totally unreliable. Conservatives and Liberals give opposed and contradictory representation of facts. What was once a vehicle to just state the facts and let everyone decide their own conclusion, is now a propaganda machine to impose a one sided and biased reality. There is no news, only propaganda.

The same goes for medicine. Imposition of mandatory vaccines, masks, shut downs, travel restrictions. Dishing out of funding to selective vendors, and fines to others. 

The Physician must be a servant of the people, a health care provider devoid of economic motivation. They must study and keep an open mind to any evidence of cures and modes of therapy.



Hugo Romeu, MD


Mystic Medicine

By Hugo Romeu, MD

Miracles happen every minute of the day. Unexplained phenomena which is categorized individually based on faith , science, alternative energies, etc…

A patient comes to see a physician worried about their well being. The physician is more than just a “ body mechanic.” The encounter becomes relevant when there is a didactic event. The doctor must first and foremost listen , observe every word, movement ;capture a detailed impression using all the senses and extensions of modern medicine.

Being a Healer involves a perception of body, mind and souls. Now, for the pure scientist, atheist, pragmatic practioner; this simply not possible. A primitive concept is that one must believe in a possibility before a viable option manifests.

Not trying to delve into occult realities, just pointing out that somewhere along ones life as a medical practioner, unexplained things happen. 

A sudden death, an unlikely cure, a miracle. 

A healer must be open minded and realized that energy is electricity. Just as the wind is unseen and felt, similarly positive and negative energy are as real as real can be. 

What becomes primordial is faith and a source to draw from. For this I ask that each physician contemplate the nature of their own existence. Take note that the patient before you is effected, worried and ill. The age old saying, “ mind over matter” explains the unlikely athlete that just wins and defeats more competent and skilled athletes. 

So what is the real medicine?

Rather than share my own spiritual and appear as a religious preacher, it would be better to ask my colleagues to give kindness, faith in a spiritual world a chance to penetrate your patient encounter.


News Flash for RCE GROUP USA

The years that have passed have been filled with harsh lessons to learn.

We experienced together a Pandemic and have survived.

RCE has been on ground zero since the onset in January of 2020. Since then we have developed Antibody and Antigen tests for Covid by assisting companies with Clinical Trials, Stability Studies, Interference and PCR comparator methods.

Today we announce the onset of a new phase in our COVID 19 involvement.

Due to the ever changing nature of this virus, and the rapid mutations, we have decided to study the Genetic Sequencing of COVID 19. The purpose is to identify which mutations are susceptible to treatment and diagnosis. In the process we will note the clinical manifestations of each variant. 

This headache is not going away, its only changing its presentation and infectious nature, just as we are developing an immune response.

To achieve our goals we will team up with Personalized Genetic Testing and Genesis Lab.

Keep your eye on us,


Hugo Romeu, MD


Why, When and How to Test At-Home for COVID-19

As we close in on two years of living with COVID-19, quick and accurate tests for COVID-19 remain an urgent priority. In fact, as schools reopen, businesses resume operations and people return to work, rapid testing could be the key to preventing Delta or any new variants of SARS-CoV-2 from flaring into even larger outbreaks.

But that’s only if testing is used in the right way, at the right time and in the right places. With more opportunities for people to interact in public settings where the virus can spread, it’s never been more important to know who is infected and potentially seeding new COVID-19 infections, and who is not. But that doesn’t mean that blanket testing, especially using the rapid at-home tests now available at pharmacies and other retailers, will be the answer. Knowing when to use these tests, and how to interpret the results, are essential, say experts. And that means understanding what the tests can do, and what they can’t.

What’s the difference between at-home tests and the tests that a hospital, doctor’s office or lab perform?
The at-home kits that have been authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are antigen tests, which means they can pick up things that the virus makes or shed, like proteins, but not the virus’s actual genetic material. So a positive antigen test picks up signs that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was or is present, similar to hairs that people or pets shed as a trail of where they’ve been.


The omicron variant: Why it is of concern but at the same time could be good news

The omicron variant of the coronavirus is worrying for a reason: if it is confirmed that it is more transmissible, as all the preliminary data indicate, it will start to replace delta, which is the only strain that has been able to become dominant in nearly every country in the world. Omicron will lead to more contagions and this, depending on the aggressiveness of the new variant, could trigger more hospitalizations and deaths. But there is another aspect of the variant that is not known: whether or not it causes more severe cases of Covid-19. If it causes much milder disease, as some doctors in South Africa are suggesting, the appearance of the omicron may turn out to be good news.

One of the likely outcomes for the coronavirus is that by living among us, as we contract the virus, get vaccinated and take pills to protect ourselves, it will turn into a seasonal pathogen like the common cold or the flu. The very mutations of the virus could accelerate the process toward this scenario. And the omicron variant is nothing more than a large number of mutations together. This offers a glimmer of hope, but one that should not fool us or allow us to become overly confident: all experts who spoke to us in recent days said they would be calmer if the omicron hadn’t appeared.

Right now, there are a lot of unknowns about the extent to which omicron will impact public health. Preliminary data suggests that the variant is more contagious, but science still does not know by how much. It is believed that it causes more minor symptoms, but there is not a large enough or varied enough sample (with different ages and immunity) to know whether this is really the case. It is becoming increasingly clear that omicron is able to evade Covid-19 vaccines and natural immunity when it comes to infection, but it is very likely that these forms of protection will still be able to prevent a person from developing serious illness.

These variables, together with what appears to be a greater ability for reinfection, make up the equation that will determine the future of omicron. One of the scenarios put forward by the World Health Organization (WHO) is that the variant is more contagious and that it causes as severe or slightly less severe illness as the strains detected so far – nothing as yet indicates that it is worse. Even so, that would still be bad news. According to the WHO’s weekly epidemiological report, the omicron variant has been detected in 57 countries and it is beginning to increase its presence in southern Africa.

“Even if the severity is equal or potentially even lower than for the Delta variant, it is expected that hospitalizations will increase if more people become infected and that there will be a time lag between an increase in the incidence of cases and an increase in the incidence of deaths,” the report stated.

But why would it cause more deaths if it causes less severe illness? It all comes down to numbers: if omicron is able to infect more people, even if the individual likelihood of developing illness is lower, the gross number of deaths for the entire population would be higher. For the arrival of omicron to be good news, its ability to cause severe illness would need to be much lower than that of previous strains. Only a few serious cases due to omicron have been detected, but it is also true that up to now it has mostly affected young people, who tend to have minor symptoms.

The immune response to the new variant can be triggered by what is acquired naturally, after recovering from the disease, or from the Covid-19 vaccines. On Wednesday, one of the vaccine manufacturers, Pfizer-BioNTech, released data showing that the antibody response to omicron is very low after two shots, meaning the variant has a greater infectious capacity. The study, however, also found that three doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine provide a person with a similar level of protection that the medication offers against the earlier variants.

Little is known about how the coronaviruses that coexist with human beings and cause common colds came to be what they are today. Some experts believe that at one time they could have caused more serious illness and spread around the world, and after infecting and reinfecting hosts, mutating, and once humans had become used to them, they turned into those annoying but innocuous pathogens that cause sniffles, coughs, sore throats and slight temperatures, in the worst of cases.

The most recent of the four coronaviruses that live together until now with humans is HCoV-OC43, as climatologist Arturo Sánchez Lorenzo points out. Some authors believe that this could be the pathogen that caused the pandemic that originated with the so-called Russian flu, with high peaks of mortality between 1889 and 1890. Today it is an inoffensive virus that causes colds.

In the future, SARS-CoV-2 could become something similar. And omicron may be a step in that direction. Time will tell.

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